Cupping $10

Cupping $10

It is not just for Olympians

Cupping incorporates a concentrated vacuum in order to alleviate deep muscle stagnation. It is included within the massage and is specifically placed to achieve health goals. Cupping does leave bruising that is not painful but is visible. Ta-massage offers fire cups made of glass as well as pump cups made of plastic in order to have the most comfortable cupping enhancement.

 –Micro Cupping: for an additional $10 guests can elect an area to receive cupping during their service. Usually 4-6 cups are placed on a specific area that cupping would be beneficial. 

 -Full Cupping: for an additional $30 guests can elect to add cupping to their massage. The cups are either glass or plastic depending on the clients comfort. Cups are placed for 20-30 minutes while the therapist massages other areas of the body. This enhancement includes an additional 15 minutes of time on the table.